Well not exactly it starts on the 22nd but still it's near! So that means this blog is being ENHANCED! It's now an Autumn Blog! And in chobots it means new clothes! And we're getting NEW MAGIC! Isn't that AWESOME? And I'm entering a contest for an autumn blog so here it is, entered. :) Well the mod that sees this blog YOU BETTER FOLLOW! xD jk But still it'd be awesome if you did. :P Well hope everybody likes autumn! :D -Carabu (Admin)
Hey everybody we got our items ONE DAY EARLY! YEAH! Cool right? We've got a Pharaoh Hat, Baseball Suit,Some suit thingy for girls, and hair for Non-Citizen Girls. Ugh I need to buy some citizenship soon. XD That Baseball suit looks so cool!!! Hope everybody can afford them! -Carabu (Admin)
Ok everybody I should really make a section here for cool pics but...Im too lazy to get it up! But I will try to get it up by Friday and sorry I forgot to show you the creator. I guess it's just a mystery creator then. ;) And Plus prepare yourselves chos for a contest...and coming soon: Chobot of the Week! And a Gallery with awesome homes in chobots...but like I said...coming soon. DUN DUNN DUNN! -Carabu (Admin)

I've been looking around chobots and agents and citizens are making really cool graffiti pics! I saw some about the "Keep Your Password" safe thing! I see some chobots are telling people to make sure they are safe with their account. Let's see some more! Keep up the good work chobots! -Carabu (Admin)
Hey everybody Chopix is here. Let's pwn those Nicho Spies! Chobots Rock Nichos Don't! And I am in need of bugs...I'm gonna start now. Good Luck to everyone! -Carabu (Admin)
Ok Everybody you must've seen the agents poll! I'm not on it. Wahhh! :( Well there's the next poll I'm just gonna help someone. I know Peachiesocks from that poll. And she's nice and I forgot something else about her...Maybe she won a contest or something. Well just if your in doubt on who you want to vote for, Peachiesocks! She deserves it for being nice and for me knowing her! Lolz. -Carabu (Admin)
OK! I know I haven't made any posts in a while. YES a year is a while! I had a bunch of stuffies to do in real life and on the web. I like forgot about here. But of course I was still playing chobots in this time. Now that this site shall be revived. LET'S PARTY! Actually this site doesn't have any viewers at the moment so no party on chobots. Audience: AWWWWWW!" Don't worry guys I'll make some party once we get a bunch of viewers. Happy Playing Chobots! -Carabu (Admin)